Its impressive range of over 100 Kriyas and Meditations has also been augmented for increased clarity and comprehension.A detailed explanation of how to Relax and Renew during your practice of Kundalini Yoga.Powerful techniques to assist in many specific aspects of health and healing.Same great kriyas and meditations - the "oldies and goodies" from the early years of Yogi Bhajan's teachings.Completely revised and updated - from the original typewritten edition!ĬLICK HERE TO GET BOOK Book I Am a Woman Description/Summary: Yet another invaluable guide to life and living in the Aquarian Age, this new and updated second edition celebrates the 29th anniversary of its original publication in 1988.Greatly expanded and adapted to meet the new challenges of the times, the book's introduction and appendices have also been rewritten, offering new gems to assist you in making health and healing into a rewarding and spiritual lifestyle.Still one of Guru Rattana's most popular manuals, Relax and Renew is in daily use by both teachers and students world-wide. Relax and Renew is Guru Rattana's second quintessential compilation of Kundalini Yoga Kriyas and Meditations from the early teachings of Yogi Bhajan. While I am grateful for how far I have changed with this practice, with everything coming forward I cannot feel comfortable continuing to support in any way this lineage and these teachings.CLICK HERE TO GET BOOK Book Relax and Renew Description/Summary: The pressures I received to conform, and the lack of support I felt when I did not conform, and also how I was shut down when I questioned the lawsuit in my teacher training are all things that have never sat well with me.

The lack of accountability, the number of teachers I have met who were shut down or had attempts made on them to shut them down as teachers is too many. I do not feel comfortable supporting a man or lineage in any way that could have implications of siphoning power from others, that supports abuse, or victim blames or anything of the sort. Since this book was released there has been an overwhelming amount of people coming forward with their own stories of sexual assault, manipulation, child abuse, and other horrible stories of Yogi Bhajan.įor myself, I have made the decision to step away from the Kundalini Yoga community, the practices, and to stop all teaching of this lineage.

It details abuse, sexual assault, illegal business practices and other allegations of Yogi Bhajan.

The author reveals details about her time living and studying with Yogi Bhajan, the man who brought Kundalini Yoga to the West, and is the lineage which I have learned, studied and taught from. A few weeks ago a book came out, Premka: White Bird in a Golden Cage.